

Here you can learn more about the coaches at Valdonedo - the "Quinta da Vida" project -
we have regular on site coaches who offer classes, workshops and seminars.
As well as our regular coaches we are happy to introduce you to our guest coaches.

Frank Brazkiewicz

Frank is a German doctor as well as a trained doctor for traditional Chinese medicine and other alternative healing approaches.
Life and spiritual training
Frank was born in Germany in 1967. In addition to his formal education, he has been interested in spirituality since childhood. His most important spiritual teacher, whom he met at the age of 29, combined two traditions: He was a lineage holder of both the Tibetan Kagyu lineage (dKar-brgyud) and the Sufi lineage of Ansari Qadiri Rifai Tariqa ( As a "doctor of the soul", he was able to integrate his teachings into his Western and traditional Chinese medical practice. This has helped him to develop the tools to heal people holistically.
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Co.
When he began his medical studies at the Medical University of Lübeck in Germany, his interest in the Eastern arts was already awakening. He began training in Tai Chi Chuan, Qi Gong and various meditation techniques. During his medical studies, he already obtained a diploma in acupuncture. He then became a trainer for the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association e.V. (NADA) and gave numerous acupuncture courses for clinics and institutions in Germany and abroad. After a 5 year training in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), he became a lecturer for the German Society for Traditional Chinese Medicine (DGTCM) e.V. and also for the Heidelberg School of Chinese Medicine. He has been a training officer for the DGTCM since 2006 and was a lecturer at the University of Porto for the Chinese Medicine course from 2006 to 2018. Further work in the area of TCM includes a Yin-style Bagua acupuncture training in London with Andrew Nugent Head and completing a four-year training in classical canonical Chinese medicine at ICEAM with Arnaud Versluys. Frank has also a training in balance acupuncture with Richard Tan, medical taping with Physio Tape and a fascial distortion modeling (FDM) training with the Typaldos method. His interest in internal martial arts as the "other side" of Chinese medicine led him to study Ba Gua Zhang and Hsing I and finally led him to Tan Tian Chuan TAN TIEN TSCHÜAN - ( In 2002, he and his wife founded their own successful practice for traditional Chinese medicine in Germany, where they worked for almost 20 years until external circumstances and the longing for truth and healing led him on a new jurney.
Latest news
Throughout his medical career, Frank has combined his spiritual experiences through meditation and the spiritual teachings from two traditions with his medical work. This has enabled him to help individuals, groups and systems to regain balance. Today he combines the experiences of his past, the Causal Regeneration System (CRS) method and the possibilities of group work to create a completely new healing concept. One of his main goals is to show people their ability and give them techniques to heal and rebalance themselves. He currently offers private lessons, coaching and energetic work, as well as courses in practical mindfulness, meditation, Chinese medicine and the CRS method. His wife and he are available to organisations as energetic facilitators and/or consultants. As a group, CRS sessions are offered for individuals and systems.


Petra Brazkiewicz

Petra is a trained Physiotherapist, Osteopath and Cranio-Sacral Therapist.
Live and career
Petra Brazkiewicz was born in Lübeck, Germany in 1966. She began training as a medical technical assistant at the University of Lübeck (MUzL) in 1985. In 1994, she completed her training as a physiotherapist and worked at the University of Lübeck and in a private physiotherapy practice. At this time, she began Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong. She was able to combine this Chinese movement art well with her knowledge from the additional neurological training (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation – PNF), which gave her the scientific background to appreciate and deepen this ancient movement art. Dissatisfied with the limited standard physiotherapy treatments, she learned Cranio-Sacral Therapy and visceral osteopathy over many years from renowned international lecturers such as Donald Howitt and Maat Piepers. 1997 and 1998 she became a mother of two wonderful daughters. In 1999, Petra began a 3-year training in Tuina (Chinese manual therapy). 2002 She foundet together with her husband a successful practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2007, Petra learned the Medical Taping Concept with orthopedic and lymph taping techniques. From 2004 to 2005, Petra successfully completed training as a naturopath in order to deepen her knowledge of conventional and natural medicine. Since doctors and naturopaths are not allowed to work together according to the statutes of doctors and naturopaths, she has not applied for a license. Further completed trainings of Petra include: Balance Acupuncture with Richard Tan. Medical Taping with Physio Tape. Training in the Fascia Distortion Model (FDM) of the Typaldos Method. She learned the CRS (Causal Regeneration System) together with her husband in 2020 and it was a great addition for her healing work. Since then she further developed and deepened CRS as well as other spiritual healing concepts.
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Co.
In 2002, she started to use her acquired knowledge in the new practice that she founded together with her husband. The positive effects of merging all the different kinds of trainings that she had were astounding. Since then, Petra has individually adapted her skills in Cranio-Sacral Therapy, visceral osteopathy and Tuina to each patient. Remarkable synergies arise, also with acupuncture, so that difficult conditions such as chronic pain like for example in the back, the shoulder, the knee, the head or the neck can be removed quite quickly and efficient. Children also benefit significantly from her experience in a vast amount of manual techniques and the old knowledge of the east.

Claudia Rehrmann

Claudia is a musician with further trainings in the fields of healing, spirituality and movement.
Musical background
As a musician, Claudia Rehrmann is able to offer lessons for both jazz and classical music. She completed her diploma in Germany (Bremen) in 2015 for artistic/pedagogical training on the saxophone. Due to her many years of participation in the Lower Saxony Youth Wind Orchestra and her later collaboration with the Hanover Police Music Corps, the Bremen Theater, quartets and big bands and band work in the jazz and rock-pop area, Claudia Rehrmann is also able to help with playing in orchestras, ensembles or bands. She has been giving individual and group lessons since 2007 and has worked privately, at music schools and at general education schools in socially deprived areas.
Training in the area of movement and spirituality
During her studies in 2013, Claudia Rehrmann came across traditional Chinese medicine and met her most important meditation teacher there. Since then, she has been practicing qigong, various movement techniques and meditation in depth. Her meditation teacher was trained by Steve Tidbury, who was a lineage holder of a Tibetan Kagyu lineage (dKar-brgyud) as well as the Sufi lineage of Ansari Qadiri Rifai Tariqa ( and whom she was fortunate enough to meet and work with. After studying music, she completed a Qigong apprenticship in Germany in 2015 (DEUTSCHE QIGONG GESELLSCHAFT e.V.) and took various private lessons with yoga and Feldenkrais teachers. Since then she has been giving individual and group courses and workshops in the field of movement. In her courses, she combines her knowledge of different movement styles to provide optimal support for her course participants, with the main focus on Qigong. She continues to take part in further training courses to expand her knowledge and skills.
Further training in the area of health and current affairs
Training in 2021 in Bremen in the URSA method, since then practical application and teaching. Training in natural sound transducers with Anton Stucki ("Experience sound naturally", She is currently training to become a major alternative practitioner. She moved to Portugal at the end of 2022 and has been giving classes and workshops there ever since. She is part of Valdonedo and the "Quinta da Vida" project. In addition she is responsible for organisation, the homepage, social media and print media for Valdonedo.

Johannes Roosen-Runge

Johannes Roosen-Runge is a Jazz Trumpet player, a musical therapist and a permaculture designer. As head of Valdonedo, he also works as a coach.
Johannes Roosen-Runge started playing the trumpet as a child and quickly gained his first experiences in various music groups. Because he was really passionate about music he made the decision to make music his profession. In 2008, Johannes began studying music at the University of Arts in Bremen and the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen, which he completed in 2014. Johannes played in numerous bands and orchestras, worked as a music teacher in individual and group lessons, wrote arrangements for various ensembles and was the leader of a big band. In addition to the many technical aspects of making music, he was always concerned with the questions: What makes a good musician? What is music that is good for me and makes me healthy? And what conclusions can I draw from this for my life? Based on this questions he studied music therapy and Kreative Leibtherapie (kreative body therapy) to link the two disciplines of healing and music. He discovered more and more how many aspects of life are reflected in music and the process of making music. These observations also led him to search for new paths outside of music.
Johannes Roosen-Runge has trainings in different coaching's including musical coaching, body oriented coaching and coaching for managers. Since he met his meditation teacher Frank his perspectives and approaches have gotten a lot deeper and more profund. The different teachings of Frank including eastern and western philosophy as well as Buddhist and Sufi methods have had a strong influence, which continues to broaden his perspective and horizons to this day.
In 2020, Johannes came across the permaculture approach which immediately fascinated and convinced him. He soon recognises permaculture as a universal approach for his projects, ideas and dreams. As he visited Portugal he seized the opportunity to make his Permaculture design degree. While traveling with a group of likeminded people he fell in love with a property in the north of Portugal, where he currently implements all the ideas and approaches of permaculture in his live project "Quinta da Vida".

Joanna Jablonski

Joanna Jablonski is a jazz trombone and Sousaphone player.
Musical background
Joanna Jablonski was a member of the jazz band "Fabelhaft", the "NorthWestConcertBand" and as a sousaphonist she was playing in the former hip hop band "Nimmersatt". As a freelance she played in a variety of different projects of various sizes, from duos to big bands and from small jazz clubs to theatre buildings. Joanna also gave private lessons and taught in schools to pass on the joys of playing brass instruments.
Sound engineering and news
In 2023, Joanna moved to Portugal to be part of the permaculture project "Quinta da Vida". She is currently planning to ad a sound studio to this wonderful Project on Valdonedo to be able to merge her passions for playing Music and her fascination of recording devices and sound engineering.

Guest Coaches

Ischi Crosby

As a native American he traced back the line of his ancestors and is now part of the council of the elder. Growing up in England he was early interested in spirituality not only from the nativ Americans but also from the different ancient European tribes. But Ischi was not only interested in spirituality but also in the practical things in live. That is why he is sharing his many years of permaculture knowledge and experience with all the people who are interested.
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Ishi Crosby is a permaculture teacher and designer. He completed his first permaculture training three decades ago in Texas and has since practiced in various countries and circumstances. In recent years he has lived and worked in Holland. He and his wife Sarah have recently moved to Portugal for their (professional) retirement.